Coronavirus, Ashwagandha and You

Coronavirus, Ashwagandha and You

Hello, Friends! 

Welcome to this unusual moment! What do you think we should we call it? The Coronavirus Meltdown? The Post-Super Tuesday Comedown? Or the Pre-November Panic Attack? The Great Toilet Paper Debacle? Take your pick. However you slice it, one thing feels very certain: We are living through a challenging time, one that demands we bring our best centering and self-care practices to bear, each and every day. And Ashwagandha—a medicinal herb in the class called adaptogens—has a unique potential to help us, right here and right now.

“Adaptogens” are plants revered in the ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal medicine and healing traditions for helping us resist physical, chemical and biological stressors. Does Ashwagandha cure Coronavirus? No, at least not that we know of! That said, studies have established that Tulsi—an herb sometimes known as holy basil—has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and other properties. We’re quite proud of our own Tulsi tincture, made from fresh herbs grown in the hills outside Portland.

So, what can we do about Coronavirus in Oregon? Aside from sticking to established best practices and precautions around infectious diseases, in our view it’s equally important to practice regular, solid and grounded self-care: It’s difficult to care for others when we’re pushed to the limit ourselves. That’s why, in this stressful moment, we’re finding that Ashwagandha is a real benefit to those interested in reducing stress, promoting restful and complete sleep, and most of all providing a clear, rejuvenating and grounding energy.

Sometimes known by its Latin name (Withania somnifera), Ashwagandha is often regarded as occupying the very pinnacle of the family of adaptogens. If you’re new to the world of Ayurvedic medicine—or just seeking a way off the never-ending carousel of pharmaceuticals, stimulants, and depressants—we think you’ll love our Ashwagandha. It’s lovingly handcrafted from fresh—never frozen or dried—roots and leaves grown and harvested on our organic and biodynamic farm in the lush Columbia Gorge.

For tips on how to get the greatest benefit from Ashwagandha, please visit our FAQ page, or feel free to contact us directly. Stay grounded, wash your hands, and remember that we’re not here to be defeated by these challenging times!

With Warm Ashwagandha Wishes,

Jeff Johnson

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